Sunday, March 6, 2016

Disruptors - welcomed by the penguins or soon to be leaving for the land of opportunity?

Earlier in the week, I wrote a post commenting on the Higher Learning Commission's (HLC) changes to credentialing requirements.  In combination with other consequences, I see the move as additional insurance to prevent peacocks from entering a land of penguins but I thought my comments might be too pointed so I've hidden that post.  I'm still new in my teaching position so I'm going to be cowardly quiet for the moment.

However, the 4 minute video below says so much that I'm still sharing it here!  I was lucky enough to view this during a Cultural Agility workshop offered by the talented Dr. Catherine Mendoza and Dr. Norma Chandler. 

What kind of diversity can we really handle?  While we may say we want to innovate and are in need of disruptors (aka peacocks), what really happens when they arrive?  Do we accept their gifts or send them on their way losing their potential contributions to another land that is more inclusive of diversity and innovation?

I hope that's enough to make you watch the video ...

4 Minute Video - Penguins and the Peacock