Sunday, April 3, 2016

It's all the same stuff ... parenting, teaching, entrepreneurship, leadership etc.

Since I have lived and worked in many different contexts, something I've noticed and said about best practices and success is that "it's all the same stuff."  Psychology (ok and other disciplines, too) has given us plenty of information to help us understand circumstances that influence and represent human thriving.  With the four websites below, I believe that we all have enough insights to make a meaningful difference for individuals (of all ages), groups, organizations and society if we have the courage to learn, change and take action.

Information generating and gathering is just a start.
For results to occur, we have to have the courage to learn, change and take action.

Search Institute (40 developmental assets)

Parent Further  (5 essential actions of developmental relationships)

UPENN Positive Psychology Center (positive psychology hub - academic)

Gallup  (positive psychology hub - individual, group, organizations, society)

This post was inspired by my mom, Sharon Eivinsen, who found the following: "Developmental relationships in families contribute 10 times as much as demographic factors (i.e., income, race, ethnicity, family composition) in predicting whether children are developing key character strengths (i.e., motivated to learn, being responsible, caring for others).

Photo:  Sharon, my mom, with Trendsetters - students who work together and are "raising the bar for tomorrow's leaders" through service learning and other youth development activities.

PS - Yes, I agree with Dan Brown (previous post/video)