Friday, May 25, 2018

Stacey Cunningham 2018 - what explains her success?

Stacey Cunningham
President of the NYSE

One of the last assignments in my face to face Psychology 132/Psychology and Culture classes is writing a Sociocultural Narrative where students share 
how culture has shaped them (sociocultural perspective) up until this moment in life and 
how they are choosing to move forward (cognitive perspective).

How would you explain Stacey Cunningham's success?

How does Stacey Cunningham explain her journey from her role as a 19 year old intern to the first female President of the New York Stock Exchange?

How many perspectives/lenses can we use to explain "success" and how can that inform experiences/influences we create to increase human thriving across endeavors?

* on the Today Show, Stacey said she hopes there comes a day when a female's success isn't newsworthy ~